Ertebat Farda MRS
Ali Heydari
⏳ 1 min read
This project was developed for Ertebat Farda Company and is live at (Unfortunatly it is accessible only for Iran IPs 😒) The main goal of this project is to provide a platform for merchants to report their sales and transactions. I worked on both frontend and backend of this project. The backend of this project is developed using dotnet core and the frontend is developed using React. The frontend is a web application that is compatible with mobile devices and is developed using React and AntDesign.
I learned and used many design patterns and best practices in this project like Circuit Breaker, Retry, Bulkhead, Factory, Repository, Unit of Work, Fasad, etc.
Also I learned to write a private nuget package and use it in my projects.
I also set up a monitoring system for this project using Prometheus and Grafana.
These are the technologies that I used in this project:
Backend stack
- dotnet core
- Entity framework
- Mapster
- Prometheus
- Nuget packages
- Sentry
- IP rate limit
- Docker
Frontend stack
- React
- Yarn
- TypeScript
- AntDesign
- Chart.js