Hi There, I'm
Ali Heydari 👋

A developer who is passionate about building products that impact people's lives. I am a full stack developer with a passion for learning and building. I like music, video games, and reading.

Ali Heydari portrait


  1. Pragmidea LTD

    Front-end Developer

    Full-timeRemoteUnited Kingdom 🇬🇧Crypto

    Currently, I'm working on mostly crypto related projects. I have a chance to work with the latest technologies and learn a lot about the crypto world. Here are some of work I've done so far:

    • Maintained CRM, Referral dashboard, client/admin dashboard, and developed DApp for a cryptocurrency exchange
    • Developed Landing sites using Directues and NextJS with 90+ lighthouse score
    • Integrated Sentry with 15+ Front-end projects with readable stack trace by uploading and connecting sourcemaps on Sentry dashboard
    • Wrote modular OpenAPI specifications for existing API from network request and responses
    • Developed client TypeScript SDK generation with customized TypeScript parser, React Query and Zod as runtime validation
    • Improved code quality by applying more ESLint rules
    • Integrated code metric tools such as Code coverage and Type coverage
    • Wrote Unit tests and Storybooks for react components and end-to-end test using Cypress based on Page Object pattern
    ReactTypescriptNextJSGraphQLTailwind CSSStorybookJestTesting LibraryCypressDocker
  2. Lions Digital Solutions

    Front-end Developer

    Full-timeRemoteCanada 🇨🇦E-commerce

    It was my first remote job experience. We worked on a statistic dashboard for Amazon sellers called ClearSight. It works with the Amazon API to fetch data, Scraping and display it in a nice way and help sellers make better decisions. I worked on the front-end part of the project such as landing page and dashboard using React, Ant design, and Typescript. Although the project discontinued, It was a great experience to work on it.

    ReactTypescriptGatsbyAnt DesignStyled ComponentsTailwind CSS
  3. Ertebat Farda Co.

    Full-stack Developer

    Full-timeIn siteIran 🇮🇷Fintech

    It was my first full-time job. I was working on a fintech company. Here are some of my works:

    • Migrated all of the company's repositories from TFS to GitLab
    • Developed web APIs for internal and external usages with DotNet stack
    • Wrote preferment multi-stage Dockerfiles for 10+ traditional and cross-platform DotNet projects using windows containers and linux containers
    • Integrated 10+ server-side applications with Sentry, Prometheus and ELK Stack, Ensuring optimal performance users.
    • Designed and Developed Multi target Nuget packages
    • Developed client DotNet SDK generation from Open API specification with NSwag
    • Optimized APIs with caching
    .Net Frameworkdotnet CoreReactTypescriptNextJSDockerGitLab CI/CD
  4. Iran's national elites foundation

    Software Engineer


    I had the opportunity to work on a project funded by Iran's National Elites Foundation, which was supervised by Prof. Behroozi and Prof. Soleymani. During this project, my responsibilities included:

    • Carrying out team coordination and work
    • Meeting with hospital, clinic, and laboratory managers for requirements engineering and data gathering.

    As part of the project, we developed a follow-up automation software that is used in the process of discharging patients. This software helps hospitals and clinics stay in touch with their patients and coordinate the next check-ups. Additionally, it provides patients with educational content. Currently, this system is being used by Sina hospital.

    ReactTypescriptNextJSGraphQLApolloDockerWorkboxMaterial-UIPostgreSQLGitLab CI/CD
